Want me to jump out of a plane and blog about it? Read on…

Okay, I am the first to admit that I hate asking for help. I would rather walk down the Las Vegas Strip barefoot in the deadly summer heat than ask my friends or family to spot me a twenty. But unfortunately for my pride, this time around I need you to help me achieve one of my long fantasized and romanticized adventures: skydiving somewhere beautiful.

Photo courtesy of Bucket List Publications

When I was seventeen I wrote out my first bucket list (naturally, in sparkly pink gel pen). Skydiving was one of the first things I scribbled down in my cramped unabomber handwriting. I remember confidently deciding this was the perfect experience for me because it combined by biggest fear (falling to my death) with my most coveted super-hero power (flying).

Over the years this skydiving dream has been one of those experiences I’ve had to asterisk with a “will get to when I’m older” clause for a couple of reasons…

1. When I originally wrote out my bucket list, I specified I had to skydive somewhere scenic and breathtaking. And (sorry Vegas), if I was going to risk leaving a plane for a parachute, it was going to be somewhere green and pretty. Totally subjective and ridiculous, I know, but I can’t go back on my bucket list now. It’s in pen. Pink pen, for that matter.

2. I wrote this list as a broke teenager when I imagined I would one day have a high-profile job with a fat salary (oh, ignorance). Then I became a broke college student and now I am a broke post-grad, living on lattes and cereal. The dream of skydiving just started seeming more and more like a long-term goal. It started imagining I would jump out of a plane years from now (like on my 60th birthday, holding a birthday candle or something).

But then something happened. I crossed paths with quintessential badass, Lesley Carter.

Photo Courtesy of Bucket List Publications

Fellow adventure seeker and traveler, Lesley Carter, has this pretty bang-up company called Bucket List Publications. She and her husband work tirelessly to help others reach their goals by getting companies to sponsor once-in-a-lifetime adventures. This time around she partnered with SkyDive San Diego to give away a tandem skydiving experience. On a what-the-hell whim, I entered her contest. And as whimsy would have it, I am now a finalist.

Pretty cool, weird, and ironic, huh? So here’s where you come in.

Photo courtesy of Bucket List Publications

Readers will have from February 27th to March 12th to visit the finalists’ profiles and vote for a winner. The finalist with the most “likes”, “tweets” or other “mentions” under their profile on Bucket List Publications will be awarded the Skydiving Package.

So as much as I hate to ask you to take time out of your day to help me, I cannot make this dream happen on my own. And I promise if I win the follow-up posts will contain lots of hilarious video of me screaming my lungs out, jokes about jumping out of a perfectly good plane, and the reality versus the seventeen-year-old dream. Because really, what would the experience be if I couldn’t share my hyperventilating footage with you?

To vote for me click here.

Thank you so so much for your support on this venture! I will be sure to inform you of the results on March 12th. And even if I don’t win, I feel so grateful to have your encouragement on this unpredictable journey.

Let me know if I can ever repay the favor. You know, when you become crazy enough to want to willingly jump out of a plane. =)

52 thoughts on “Want me to jump out of a plane and blog about it? Read on…

  1. Pingback: Facing Your Fear « sassanista

  2. Melanie here! I enjoyed this piece, please email me–I have a question about your blog. MelanieLBowen[at]gmail[dot]com

  3. Hilary,

    I always wanted to go skydiving however I have made excuses whenever the opportunity presented itself. After reading your post, for sure the next time I’m in California I’m definitely going to take on the challenge!!! Thanks for the motivation, and also for following my blog at americanmales.net. P.S. I’m definitely going to vote for you I hope that you WIN!!!

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and reading!

      I am happy to follow your blog and look forward to hearing about your next California adventure. Please keep me in the know! I greatly appreciate your support!

  4. Wow, good luck. While I think once I actually did it, I’d love skydiving, but I’m sure I would pee on the person I was tandem-diving with before/during. There is nothing that could make me jump from a plane except being tied and dragged out of it. Do it for all the girls who are terrified of heights!

    • Hi Brittany!

      You made me laugh so hard when I read this. I’m sure I wouldn’t be any less afraid once I get up there, but I’m happy to do it for ya!

      What kinds of things are on your bucket list?

      • I have incredibly strange things on my bucket list, comparatively. Like, some of the one’s I’ve scratched off include trying custard and going to see a Rocky Horror Picture Show (I’ve gone 4 times now). You’re pretty much accomplishing my interesting goals, like living in another country. So, right now you’re my inspiration to do awesome stuff.

        • Trying custard is a great goal! I had never seen a raccoon before and just saw my first one the other day. Sometimes it’s the little goals in life that make the days worth savoring.

          And I’m happy to hear I can inspire you to complete your bucket list. The great thing about them is that you can always keep adding and you don’t have to get it all done right now. Just keep taking steps everyday to make the days memorable. It sounds like you’re doing that. Please let me know if you ever need any more encouragement or support!

  5. I voted for you! Thanks for liking my blog as well! Funny this was your first post I came across.. I currently work at a skydiving jump zone in New Jersey. Too bad it is so far away, or I would hook you up as well! Definitely an amazing experience! I hope you win so we can see lots of pictures!!

    • Thank you so much for being so supportive! I enjoyed perusing your blog the other night and can’t wait to read more!

      And how funny is that? If I ever get back out to New Jersey I will let you know! How long have you been working at a jump zone? How does someone get into something like that? It sounds super cool! Have you ever been out to Vegas?

      Thanks for commenting =)

  6. It is definitely fitting that conquering your greatest fear will lead to your most coveted superpower. Seems kinda comic bookesque. I’ve always been fascinated with situations that force us to throw caution to the wind. Thank you for sharing your experiences in such an interesting way. Stay hungry. Stay foolish… O and random thought I can push a button and someone will jump out of a plane, technology is amazing.

    • “I can push a button and someone will jump out of a plane.” I love that thought! Technology is amazing, isn’t it?

      I love your perspective on conquering one’s greatest fear as well. It seems like every time I push myself a little further I can feel myself getting stronger.

      What is your greatest fear? What kinds of adventures do you want to have?

      Thank you so much for your support on this venture! Looking forward to staying in touch!

  7. I think this means I just helped you jump out of an airplane. I’m not sure I feel good about contributing to someone’s insanity, but better you than me! 🙂 Hope this works! Fun post to read, kept me smiling the whole time!

    • Haha! Thank you so much Rebecca. =)

      When I was writing this post, I remember thinking, “Am I seriously about to ask my friends and readers to help me jump out of a plane?” I started looking around the coffee shop I was sitting in wondering what things people would ask for if they had the chance.

      What kinds of things do you want to do?

  8. Pingback: Thoughts of: Throwing the grad out of a plane. | Thoughts, Ramblings, and Daydreams

      • My dive was in San Diego in 2009. I went tandem, because I’m pretty sure that if I went by myself I would pass out and not open my parachute!

        Most of my adventures involve me and my mountain bike or a pair of hiking shoes.

        • Haha, yeah I think that’s the reason I’m okay with trying it… because someone else is in control of my safety. If I was responsible for opening my own chute I might not be so eager. =)

          I have never been mountain biking. I am not that athletic yet, though one day I hope to be! Do you have a favorite bike trail or hiking spot?

  9. Good Morning, Hilary! Well I’ve Liked it, shared it on FB, and will now send it out to the Tweetyverse at large. Hope you win; I’m so looking forward to reading your post about it!

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